When I’m in a tizzy

March 19, 2012 | My Jottings

You would think that a good offer on our house, from qualified buyers who love it and are anxious to move in, would be something that would bring great relief and joy. I had long pictured that when we had a buyer for our house, we would be so thankful, and then would be able to go house shopping with many places to choose from, because in our area it’s a “buyer’s market.” So I was stunned when we received this good offer, and then scoured the real estate listings in our area only to find that less than ten houses currently for sale fit our criteria. There are many houses in our city that have the master bedroom and bath on the main floor, but only a few in the areas we prefer. And since this move is intended to be our last (God-willing), it’s important to me that I like the area we move to. I am totally fine with having to make cosmetic changes to a house — new carpet, new paint, even new kitchen cabinets would be okay. I really, really, want to like the area and neighborhood we’re in. I don’t want to move too far away from the neighborhoods where my daughters and grandchildren live. I’ve asked the Lord to show me if I’m being too particular or selfish — I’m willing to change.

We saw three houses yesterday, and none of them are something I truly want to move into. I spent a long time in prayer and in the Word yesterday morning asking for God’s help in discerning where we are to go. If it were just Michael and me, I wouldn’t be concerned a whit — we would accept the offer and then just rent a house for a year until the right one to buy came on the market. But we have six people in our home that we need to consider. The move has to be just right for many reasons.

So as I write this, I’m unsure if this offer on our home (that came, by the way, when our house was off the market) is going to result in our moving right now. I want it to. I pray it does! I’m so uncertain. I’ve always been a doer, and fairly decisive. Right now since I don’t feel absolute peace about any of these houses we’ve seen, my inclination is to say no. I don’t think it’s wise to move out without a good plan or a house we love to move to.

The perfect scenario would be that in the next day or two, The House For Us comes on the market. We have spring-like weather and that can often motivate people to list their homes for sale. That is what I’m asking for at this minute.

When I was in an inner tizzy yesterday I felt very directed toward John 14 in my Bible, and when I opened it, this is what the words of Jesus said:

1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?”

Now I know Jesus was speaking of heaven here, but it still ministered to my heart. Later in the chapter Jesus says,

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

So right this moment I have no idea what will happen. I do know that the Lord doesn’t want me to be in a tizzy, so I will try to make today a tizziless day. He asks me to trust Him, and to not be afraid.

And in the midst of uncertainty, I am still donating or throwing one thing per day in 2012. These are the seven for this week:

Thank you so much for stopping by. What are your plans for the coming week?


  1. Kay in UK says:

    Oh Julie! How we sympathize with you. We are veering towards putting our home on the market – the estate agent’s valuer will be coming here on Wednesday morning. We live in a built-up area and are looking to move to a semi-rural area. We too have certain criteria. We can only consider a bungalow because of Alan’s disability and we couldn’t really manage with less than three bedrooms. We understand your reservations about the properties that you have seen so far: we too want our next move to be the last one. As we get older, the stress of moving house gets stronger. I spent time in prayer this morning asking for God’s clear guidance in this matter and also for his help if we do move.
    I’ve been in a bit of a tizzy as well – prayer IS the answer to calmness. I read a book by Joyce Huggett last night (sleepless nights!). It’s called ‘Finding God in the Fast Lane’ and it has had a profound impact on me.
    We will include your house situation in our prayers.

  2. Just Julie says:

    Kay – you understand! Thank you. I am very grateful for your prayers too. I never thought that a good buyer would bring so many variables, and such differing advice from those we love. God bless you and Alan….I’ll pray for your house search too.

  3. Helen in Switzerland says:

    Julie, I truly believe that you will know when it’s right. Trust your instincts and keep on praying! H xx

  4. Just Julie says:

    Thanks for your encouragement, dear Helen. xo

  5. Susan says:

    Oh Julie, I will be praying that God will bring the perfect house for you at the perfect time! I am so glad we serve a personal God who cares about the details that we care about!

  6. Just Julie says:

    Susan..how I thank you for your care and for praying. We learned today we have five business days to find a house, or the offer is null and void. I know God can do it. Bless you….

  7. Jessica says:

    I agree with Helen. If you don’t feel total peace, I do believe it (whatever IT is at the moment) isn’t right.

    I will be praying too.

    And I hope that one of the areas on your list of criteria is Lakeside/Lester Park! =)

  8. Just Julie says:

    Thank you for the reminder about peace, Jessica. Two other friends said the same thing tonight – “follow God’s peace” and I hope I will be sensitive enough to do that. And wouldn’t Norwood be a good choice? 🙂 xxoo

  9. Ember says:

    In moving house, Step 1 is to sell the house you’re currently in. Just saying . . .

  10. Just Julie says:

    That’s a good plan, Ember. 🙂 We do have a buyer… lots of complications we didn’t expect.

  11. Lloyd says:

    Right on! Norwood would be great; I’m just below on on Glendale. Those days have passed for me, Julie. I bum off my kids. To Tuscon Thursday until mid July to be with son Joel (he’s working through chemo). Then drive with him to Seattle. Home early August to be with son Kevin and Tena. I hit daughter Sally in Lakewood occasionally to give Kevin and Tena geezer respite. Meanwhile, the Hole News plods on. Blessings and prayers.

  12. Just Julie says:

    I love your views on life, Lloyd. And I love the term Geezer Respite. 🙂 I hope Tuscon is wonderful for you, and I look forward as always, to reading The Hole News! God bless you…

  13. Tauni says:

    Have you thought of doing the same thing the potential buyers did with your home, look at recently expired listings ~ or even better yet ~ find a house you like and ask if they are willing to sell! Just sayin’ ~ XXOO

  14. Just Julie says:

    I will call my real estate agent right now and ask her about the expired listings, Tauni. And I did put an ad on Craigslist today for people who might be considering selling their house but haven’t listed it yet….Thank you!

  15. Larry says:

    It seems that with the house not being on the market, you know where this offer came from, now all you have to do is fully depend on Him.

  16. Just Julie says:

    “…oh for grace to trust Him more…” 🙂

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