The Two Youngest

November 30, 2023 | My Jottings

This is a photo I know will wrench my heart for years to come, if I’m granted years to come. This was on Thanksgiving at my daughter Sharon’s house. Her youngest was patiently and lovingly reading to my daughter Carolyn’s youngest.

I was thankful for a good meal in spite of a dog who ate the Thanksgiving turkey the night before Thanksgiving, but I’m most thankful for these actual humans the Lord has granted to our family. I always say their eyes are portals to true wonder and beauty, and the older I get the more deep and true it becomes.


  1. Karen says:

    That Louisa just seems to be a treasure. I also love seeing scenes like this with my 2 granddaughters.

  2. Kay says:

    I feel like this about photos of our eldest grandson (Finley, 14) with our only granddaughter (Talitha, 2).
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. XX

  3. Just Julie says:

    Karen, she is absolutely that. I can’t even find words for how much I love her. Aren’t granddaughters wonderful? Thank you for stopping in here. xo

  4. Just Julie says:

    I will be in touch soon, dear Kay. God bless you! xo

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