Small Enough

January 27, 2014 | My Jottings

A sweet reader wrote me a note recently to tell me she had been visiting this blog, and I was so humbled and happy to hear from her. Peggy has been through some very difficult times, and God has made Himself and His Word real to her through her church and friends. She sent me this music video today and I was so moved by it. Michael came and stood behind me as we listened in stillness. Maybe someone else will be comforted by the words of this song today… 

God bless you this Monday….


  1. Tauni says:

    Thank you my friend ~

  2. Carey says:

    Oh Julie…I loved this and even though I’ve listened to this song on many occasions, it really spoke to my heart today. These words have been my constant prayer to God, “I will not be setting out a fleece for you tonight – just want to know that everything will be alright.” Thank you for sharing…

  3. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Tauni and Carey…. I want to know the same. Love you both! xo

  4. Ginny says:

    Jewel, your blog has ministered to Peggy and is a part of the growth I have seen in her life. She is a precious gift….

  5. Just Julie says:

    Thank you for connecting us, Ginny! You do that so well… xoxo

  6. Shari C. says:

    Beautiful! Thanks, Julie. I’ve not heard that song before.
    Love and hugs to you today…

  7. Just Julie says:

    Love and hugs to you today too, dear Shari… xoxo

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