January and the Book of Job

January 20, 2014 | My Jottings

Monday greetings everyone! I hope the weather in your little part of the world falls pleasantly on your skin and soul. We have had a few relatively balmy days (at least for Northeastern Minnesota in January) but the dratted weatherman tells us this morning that temperatures will fall steadily today until they’re almost twenty below zero tomorrow morning. Then we’ll have a couple of deep cold days before warming up into the teens and twenties above zero again. This morning one of our Fosters commented that when summer comes she’ll be out on the front deck in her shorts and Crocs and sunglasses, drinking tea and taking in the sun. I know her quite well, and this scenario will last for about ten minutes before she returns to the cool of the air conditioned house and says, “Man, I can’t wait for fall!”

I was looking out the kitchen window this morning as the sun was just beginning to show, and I thought about the sights of January. January is white…white skies and snow and frozen lakes, over 30,000 of them in our humble state. January is grayish brown…the bare trees and the dirty snow drifts on the sides of the roads where the plows have been. January is periwinkle…the color of the snow in the morning sunrise. January is steam…especially the ethereal look of Lake Superior in all its hugeness, steaming quietly (and I try not to think it’s steaming malevolently) in the bitter cold. January is ice…deadly looking icicles the size peoples’ arms and legs hanging from roofs, ice in thick shattered plates piling on top of one another at the edge of the Lake, ice so thick on inland lakes, fishermen drive their trucks on them. January is dark…a dark that stays late and comes early and makes me long to hibernate in my bed instead of  rising at 5-something a.m. to begin my caretaking tasks. January is slow. It seems to roll on at glacier speed, and even though I know any day, any month is a gift, I’m always relieved when January is gone. The one thing I like about January is the 12th, which is my daughter Carolyn’s birthday. If not for that blessed day, I could say goodbye to January and never miss it.

Yesterday while Michael was watching football on TV for sixty-seven hours, I made a list of the books I’d like to read in 2014. There are 36 of them. Never in my life have I had to make a list to help me accomplish the reading of books, but alas, lately it is so. Ever since I joined the smart phone world, I’ve noticed a decrease in my reading. This has been very concerning to me, especially since playing Words With Friends and Sudoku and the various other things one can do on a smart phone are the culprits I allow to steal my time. Even though I know it’s not good for the brain, I check the weather, I read the local newspaper and two or three other news sources, play Scramble a time or two, look up information on any random things about which I’m curious, and before I know it, a couple of collective hours are gone from my day. And then I lament the fact that I’m behind in my paperwork and don’t feel like making a wonderful, delicious meal.

Then I happened to read something very interesting by one of my favorite musical artists, Audrey Assad. She noticed a decline in her creativity when she got her first smart phone. I think you’ll find her post very insightful and worthwhile, and you can click here to read it.

Next, I have been visiting a blog for several months now called Study in Brown. I found it through an online friend named Elizabeth, and I so love Tonia’s gentle writing. Recently I read how she set a goal to read 100 books in 2014, and that struck something deep in me. It’s not that I want to read, read, read, so I can put a check mark by each of the 36 titles I wrote down yesterday. It’s so that my brain can go deep again, so I can think and meditate and feel creative and be a miner. I’ve been a skimmer for too long. I’ve been skimming, perhaps even scraping the surface of thinking, not mining the depths like I used to. I’m having difficulty even describing what I’ve lost, in part, I believe, because I’ve given too much time to the brain-hijacking smart phone. Have any of you noticed a similar thing happening to you?

Oh, and I’ll be sharing about some of the books on my list, especially after I read them. 🙂

If you’d like to visit Tonia’s lovely blog, click here.

We’re studying the book of Job in Community Bible Study and even though I haven’t been able to attend our class regularly, I’m keeping up with my daily lesson. I miss being with the beautiful women of my core group. But, Oh. My. Goodness. What a rich, timely, magnificent study this is.

Here are just a few of the many things I’ve underlined in my commentary, from author and pastor Dr. Doug MacIntosh:

“Had [Job] known that his sufferings were significant, he might have found them easier to bear.”

“Many people in the modern world — even Christians — regard Satan as a fantasy or as a mere influence. The Bible does not support such a view. Most of the references to Satan in the Gospels occur on the lips of Jesus Christ. The Son of God once held an extended conversation with the tempter himself in the wilderness of Judea. (Luke 4:1-12). Jesus did not carry on a discussion with an influence…”

“Suffering that is deserved can be endured with patience. It is logical, even if it is painful. Suffering that is undeserved can be borne as well when the purpose is clear. For example, if by suffering a Christian can bear a clear witness that leads to the salvation of others, and if this purpose is known at the time, the pain of affliction is bearable because it has a known meaning. Man cannot live, however, without meaning. During the course of this remarkable book, God is asking Job to submit to his sufferings without knowing the divine purpose. That makes his life much harder. He will have to trust God without knowing God’s intentions. This situation is repeated constantly around the globe as God’s people discover that it is often impossible to discern God’s purposes when sufferings come along. At one time or another, all Christians have to learn this lesson–perhaps the most difficult of all lessons in the Christian life.”


Job, his wife, and three “friends”

All along this Parkinson’s journey that Michael and I are traveling, it has helped to try to remember that this is not all for nothing. This is all for something. It is not meaningless. We might not know or understand all of what Michael’s suffering could possibly mean, but on our best days we do trust that God has His purposes and He’s good and He’s with us. (We have prayed for healing and continue to pray for healing. But when healing is delayed, or doesn’t come at all, there needs to be a way to live.)

Job was being watched by the unseen realms, both good and evil, and we are being watched too.

This is not going to be a very fine depiction, but consider this with me. What if for one day we were given eyes that could see into the spiritual realm? What if we could see that followers of Christ are on a real and sometimes steep and treacherous road, and He is walking with us, or sometimes walking ahead of us and turning toward us to beckon us further on with those wonderful eyes of His, with an encouraging gesture from those rough and marvelous hands with nail holes in them? What if He stops and sits with us as we catch our breath, puts His arm around us and whispers strength and hope into our ears while we wait for the will to go on to return. What if we could hear Jesus call us by name, saying, “_____, My strength is made perfect in your weakness. I am here to help you love and serve the people in your life. I will help you to know and love Me.” Can you even imagine what it would feel like to hear the Creator of billions of galaxies lovingly speak your very own name?

Then, what if our spiritual eyes could see that in exceedingly great numbers on either side of the road we’re traveling, there are powerful, lightning-bright angels and also loved ones who’ve died before us and gone to heaven, cheering and earnestly urging us on as we follow Jesus, telling us to keep walking and trusting Him; and what if we could see the demonic hordes who hate Him and hate us, spewing their lies and sneers and garbage at us, to entice us to doubt the character of God and further convince us of how hopeless we are and how we’ll never change and He’ll never answer our prayers and this is all a big hoax.

What if something like this is really happening, and we just don’t see it yet?

Job didn’t know that thousands of years later, we would be studying his story and wishing we could be as faithful as he was, even in all of his unbelievable suffering and questioning. But we can learn from him. We can know that whatever we’re going through, if we’re trusting God and trying to look to Him to get us through, if we’re praising Him in the darkness, it’s not for nothing. It means something. He may not reveal that meaning to us in the timing we would prefer (like yesterday), but we can trust Him.

Well, I was going to tell you about the super delicious oatmeal buttermilk pancakes I made for breakfast yesterday, and I was going to burden you with details about Edith’s limp, Millie’s bump, Michael and Julie’s Very Bad, Horrible, Despicable Day That Was Redeemed By Some Hymn Singing In Bed, Michael’s new home health aide named Paul, and I thought I would blather on about a few other things as well.

But I’m looking at the clock, and need to get out of my plaid flannel nightgown and into some real clothes, because Michael has a neurology appointment in one hour!

Many blessings to you this week, dear ones…


  1. Kay in Cornwall says:

    Thank you for this Julie – Alan and I really needed to read this today. We received a phone call today from Alan’s haemophilia nurse to inform us that his latest blood tests have revealed that Alan has developed antibodies towards Factor VIII. (This happens to 30% of haemophiliacs) His natural clotting agent has dropped from 11% to 2% and although he is now at a much greater risk of developing a haemorrhage he cannot now be given any more Factor VIII. We were shocked and stunned. Alan needs to be even more careful now and is very limited as to what he can do physically. This is quite a blow for him and we would appreciate prayer. We feel that we are under attack because of our commitment to a new church plant in a very spiritually-dark area. I have gone into detail here so that your other readers might feel led to pray for Michael and Alan.
    However, we stand firm in saying that, ‘God is good!’

  2. Just Julie says:

    Kay and Alan, I too was stunned to read this. I am so sorry for this news. I saw your comment right before we were getting ready for bed, and Michael and I prayed together for you as soon as we were under the covers for the night. We asked for big things — healing, a mistake in the results, protection, blessing, anything the Lord wanted to do to show Himself faithful and close to you both. You are close in our hearts. I’m so glad you shared this here so other readers will pray. I see Ganeida is praying too! Love and hugs across the Pond to you… xoxo

  3. Kay in Cornwall says:

    P.S. I discovered Tonia’s blog a little while ago and I love the serenity that flows from her writing.
    And we redeemed our day by reading psalms in bed. 🙂

  4. Ganeida says:

    Wow Kay in Cornwall! I will try & remember this one because it feels big in the spirit. That doesn’t explain it very well, but that’s how it feels.

    Julie, standing with you for healing ~ even if you don’t see it this side of heaven. And I am so pleased snow & ice are not part of my world!

  5. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Ganeida… I’m so thankful for your prayers for so long now. And now Alan and Kay can see you’re praying for them too. I love community in Christ. We need to catch up! xoxo

  6. Danny Lee says:

    Julie and Kay in Cornwall: Who would ever think on this journey of Christ likeness that we would be relating to Job,sometimes I know we will see and experience hardship and a trial or two, but to have to deal with a wife that almost died, family betrayal, coming very close to losing your business, my wife’s broken heart over not being able to have a relationship with her daughter for about 4 yrs now and then having to watch your husband deal with severe health issues, who would ever have thought following Christ would be this painful — but it is Christ who puts us in the palm of his hand and carries us through these dark times. If it was not for Jesus and a lot of crying and screaming I would have given up, so all Praise and Glory be to Christ.

  7. Just Julie says:

    Dear Danny, I was so surprised and pleased to see you left a comment. Yes, you and Su have been put through a refining fire that has been hard to understand at times. But you have kept your faith in your Savior intact and that is a beautiful thing to see. Michael and I so love and appreciate you…. thank you for visiting here and leaving your honest words… xoxo

  8. Tauni says:

    So needed to read this today Jules. The Lord has been speaking to me about “the bigger picture” this past week. Interesting that your post would make me go there as well. There is a bigger picture in all of this, all the trial, challenges and troubles. We have been going through the book of Esther in CBS and how God had His hand in all the details of the lives of the participants. Trusting His divine design is the only way to navigate these troubling times. I was sharing with Curt this morning about God speaking to my heart about the bigger picture. I told him I can’t wait to hear the end of His sentence!! It will be a game changer, I am sure! Praying daily for you my friend! I will add Kay in Cornwall and Alan to my list as well. God is good, all the time. I will have to try Kay’s redemption of the day, reading psalms in bed sounds heavenly!! XXOO

  9. Just Julie says:

    I would love to study Esther in CBS someday Taun…hopefully our class will do that in the next year or two. Curt is a blessed man to have you for a wife. You bring a new perspective and help the people in your life trust in the Lord just a little more fully. Thank you for your prayers, and I know Kay and Alan will love knowing you’re praying too. In case anyone hasn’t seen what I shared about you a long time ago, they can click here.

  10. Kay in Cornwall says:

    Thanks to you all for your prayers. Alan and I are seeing Alan’s haematology consultant tomorrow (Wednesday) and we will then have a clearer picture of Alan’s new limitations.
    I will update you through this blog (hope I’m not being too presumptuous, Julie!). 🙂
    Love to you all from soggy Cornwall. xxoo

  11. Just Julie says:

    Not presumptuous at all Kay! We all care about you and Alan and what you hear… praying for you still. xoxo

  12. Pat says:

    What a lovely blog, Julie. It nourishes the soul. When we meet on Thursday, may I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease have your list of 36 books?

  13. Just Julie says:

    Yes I will try to remember to bring the list Pat! I’ll bet you’ve read alot of these already… xoxo

  14. Kay in Cornwall says:

    Well, we’ve just returned home from haematology and Alan’s been told that he needs to be very cautious (we sort of guessed that) and that he definitely can’t have any Factor VIII for at least 6-8 months. He’s had more blood taken for tests and he needs to go back and see the consultant in three weeks. To those lovely people who said they would pray for Alan, could I please ask you to pray specifically that Alan wouldn’t have any bleeds while Factor VIII is a no-no. (That would be a miracle indeed!)

  15. Just Julie says:

    Thank you for the update, Kay. I’m hoping this means that maybe in several months he could have Factor VIII again if he needed it? And I’m sure I’m not the only one who will pray that Alan is protected from bleeds these next months. And forever, while I’m asking. xoxo

  16. Ganeida says:


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