Lovely Louisa

July 10, 2012 | My Jottings

With so much joy and gratitude,

we announce the safe

and long-anticipated arrival of


Louisa Timothy Bridget


9 pounds, 7 ounces  

21 inches long   

on July 10, 2012 at 4:44 a.m.

Mama Sharon and Daddy Chris are tired, but doing fine. 

Louisa’s big brother and two big sisters

took turns holding her

and are smitten already. 

Thank you for your prayers for our family…


  1. Roberta says:

    A big welcome for Louisa Timothy Bridget! May she continue to grow and thrive in every way. Many blessings to her and her wonderful, loving family!

  2. Patty says:

    Lots of love and hugs to all of you! I so love her elegant name!

  3. Just Julie says:

    Roberta and Patty – thank you so much! The Timothy part of her name is in honor of Chris’s dear brother….

  4. Saneknitter says:

    Thank you for sharing and posting. What a joyous day! Many blessings to you all. You have a beautiful family.

  5. Just Julie says:

    Thank you very much, Saneknitter! Nice of you to stop by….

  6. khyricat says:

    Congrats.. what a cutie… and cute family as well

  7. Rhonnie says:

    Congrats on the new addition!!
    So glad all are doing well!

  8. Just Julie says:

    Thank you so much, Khyricat (is it Amie?) and Rhonnie!

  9. Amy says:

    I am so happy to hear that she is here safely. Sharon looks tired and content – two things that are good things to be after having a little one. I am so glad that they are doing well. Congratulations, Grandma 🙂

  10. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Amy! You are very perceptive and compassionate. 🙂 Blessings….

  11. guinevere says:

    Welcome Louisa! What wonderful pictures – the joy is positively tangible. I was so eager to hear Baby Shamrock’s proper name; our Yarnista has a special gift for names, and Louisa Timothy Bridget sounds just perfect. And she is as beautiful as her mama and her siblings. <3
    Clearly, she will be a well-cuddled baby!
    Blessings on the whole family!

  12. Jen says:

    She’s just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures and the news!

  13. Just Julie says:

    Thanks so much for your wonderful comments and good wishes, Sharon and Jen! xxoo

  14. Ronda says:

    Congratulations Julie. Louisa will share her birthday with our Kaylee. She was a big girl as well weighing in at 9 pounds and 21 1/2 inches long. Something wonderful to celebrate, a brand new baby. I love that new baby smell. It’s great to hear all are doing well. A beautiful family. Thanks for sharing the good news.

  15. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Ronda – so nice to hear from you. We think of you all every single day. We love the baby smell too – nothing like it in the world. God bless you, our friend….

  16. Alycia says:

    Congrats, Sharon I must add you look spectacular! I can hardly believe you just had a baby!!

  17. Kay in UK says:

    Wonderful, wonderful news! And what lovely names! 😉
    Love to you all.

  18. Just Julie says:

    I think so too, Alycia! Thank you… Kay, I knew you would love the name Louisa as much as I do! xxoo

  19. Pat says:

    Wow, Julie, congratulations on another beautiful grandchild! You are very blessed.

  20. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Pat…we are blessed, indeed. xxoo

  21. Shari C. says:

    Ohhh…she is so precious, Julie!!! Congratulations to you and your family!! What a pretty name she has 🙂 I’m so glad all went well…

  22. Just Julie says:

    I just love the name too, Shari. It was the one I was rooting for among the others being considered. 🙂 xxoo

  23. Julie says:

    Another arrow for Grandma’s quiver. She is just perfect! Congratulations…

  24. Helen in Switzerland says:

    Congratulations Julie!!

  25. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Julie and Helen! 🙂

  26. Su lee says:

    Welcome Louisa! You are so blessed to be born into such a wonderful family! I can’t wait to meet you!

  27. Just Julie says:

    What a nice thing to say, Su. I’d say you were a little biased. 🙂 xxoo

  28. Ganeida says:

    Absolutely beautiful. Babies are always such a blessing. Enjoy.

  29. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Ganeida….Louisa is such a gift! xxoo

  30. Ginny says:

    Someone commented Sharon looked tired… I disagree!!! She looks GREAT!!!! She labored all night and birthed a more than 9 pound baby…. MERCY! The woman is a champ!!! My gift is that she had this precious one on my daddy’s birthday. Brightened the day for me!!! Uncle Pete came home from the Yarn Barn all excited, as Chris shared some pics with him, but soon deflated as he could not for the life of him remember “all of her names”. : ) We shall work on that. He’ll just end up affectionately calling her “Little Bit” anyway, as he does with all babies he gets attached to. We are really quite harmless…

  31. Just Julie says:

    Laughing again, as I always do at your comments, Ginny. Someone needs to rope you by the neck and get you started on your own blog. Thanks for all the love….xxoo

  32. Ember says:

    Oh wow! She’s here! Congratulations!! xxx

  33. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Ember…I had to go over there today for a few minutes of holding, studying, sniffing, caressing and cooing. Xxoo

  34. Marcia says:

    She’s perfect! What a blessing!

  35. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Marcia…. xxoo

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