The Telltale Ear

July 19, 2012 | My Jottings

Just the other morning
While reading from a book
Michael pointed at our bed
So I would take a look

At first I just saw pillows
I then began to peer
And there behind the cardinal
Was a little Schnauzer ear

When Mildred heard us chuckle
Up popped her silky head
From the comfy den of pillows
She’d made on our big bed

When she saw we wouldn’t move her
She lowered her brown eyes
And then she plopped her head right down
And heaved her doggy sighs

Encircled by nine pillows
To ward away her fear
You’d never know she’s snoozing
But for that telltale ear.

Addendum: this final verse was offered in the comments by my friend Kay in England, and it was so apt and delightfully written, I asked her permission to include it here:

So Mildred returned to her snoozing
Dreaming fondly of rabbits to chase
But always keeping an ear on alert
Whilst concealing the rest of her face!

I hope that makes you smile today….it made me grin from “ear to ear.”


  1. Kay in UK says:

    So Mildred returned to her snoozing
    Dreaming fondly of rabbits to chase
    But always keeping an ear on alert
    Whilst concealing the rest of her face!

    This was such a lovely post,Julie. It made me grin from ear to ear (pun not intended, but it works well, don’t you think?). Gorgeous, gorgeous photos with such fun poetry. But … oh how much more do I want a dog now! You’re going to have to answer to Alan I’m afraid! πŸ™‚

  2. Just Julie says:

    Oh my gosh, Kay. Your poetry is amazing! Do you mind if I add it to the poem and credit you?

    And yes, please tell Alan that a well-mannered dog who is loyal to her owner is the best sort of company. πŸ™‚ xxoo

  3. Pat says:

    That was so adorable and what a cute little jingle – Julie, your talent knows no bounds!! I can’t blame the dog for cuddling into those pillows. It looks pretty dang comfortable. We pick up Cosette tomorrow. I am so excited!

  4. Just Julie says:

    Ohh, I can’t wait to meet Cosette! Will you call her Cosy? I wish I could be there to see how Jasper responds to her. May they be the best of friends, forever playing and resting together. Will you send me a photo or two Pat? See you soon….

  5. Kay in UK says:

    Of course you can add my verse, Julie. But no need for credit!!!
    I read your comment out to Alan about having a pooch and his face was a picture! Going to need a lot of prayer about this!

  6. Just Julie says:

    Here’s the prayer for your situation, which should be said by Alan: “Dear Lord, show me today how I can make my wife happy. Amen.”

    Will he ever forgive me for this?

  7. Kay in UK says:

    Julie, I’m afraid I think the answer might be a resounding ‘NO!’ πŸ˜‰

  8. Just Julie says:


  9. Christy says:

    Oh my goodness !!! Could there be more cuteness than this? Love, love, love.
    P.S. Who and what is Cosette?

  10. Just Julie says:

    Hi Christy! Cosette is my friend Pat’s new doggy. She already has a Morkie named Jasper, and since Jasper is lonely, she’s getting a new little puppy (can’t remember the breed mixture at the moment) and has already named her Cosette. Hopefully Jasper and Cosy will get along well. I knew you’d love the telltale ear. πŸ™‚ xxoo

  11. Ember says:

    This is fab :0D

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