Come away with me

April 25, 2009 | My Jottings

I saw this delightful photograph online a while back, and its title spoke to me almost as much as the beauty and uniqueness of the picture itself — it’s called “Come Away With Me.” Framed, I think it would make a nice wedding gift. I have a couple in mind, but they’re not getting married. They’re not even dating. But I might buy the photo and put it away, just in case…


Cardinals are thought to mate for life, and of course this appeals to my old-fashioned, monogamous heart.

I am certain that this delicate pair are utterly devoted to each other and can’t abide even more than a few minutes apart. I think they listen raptly to each other sing, patiently encourage one another in their parenting duties, and provide warmth and comfort for each other during the dark and cold winter months. I’m positive they take turns at the bird feeders they frequent, call each other dearest with the tenderest tones of respect in their melodic voices, and are just generally some of the happiest and most contented birds alive.

I wonder if coming off of one week of high-dose steroids – cold turkey – has peculiarly affected me in some way…

Does the fact that my skin is crawling and all my inner organs are vibrating like a tuning fork contribute to the possibility that I might be reading just a smidgen too much into this charming little cardinal couple’s companionship?


  1. Dorothy Sooter says:

    What insight you have to soooo many things. The cardinals are beautiful and love the thought of ‘forever’. Love, Dorothy

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