9000 Feet Above Sea Level

September 18, 2012 | My Jottings

I just returned from Colorado where I met up with my dear friend of 48 years, Denel. She flew in from SoCal and I flew in from NoMin.

We had a wonderful time in our little cabin (at 9000 feet elevation) and made some fantastic memories. I took over 200 photos and will share some of them in the next few days as I have the time to start on the lengthy post that will tell of our adventures in the Rockies.

We had some laughs, some surprises, some goofiness, some rest, some food, some sharing, some reminiscing and some prayers.

We are already looking forward to The Second Annual Lupi-Soo Reunion. We’re thinking about the Pacific Northwest or the beaches of North Carolina, but only time will tell.

Have a blessed week!


  1. Helen in Switzerland says:

    So happy to hear you had a wonderful time – and I can’t wait to read all about it!!

  2. Kay in UK says:

    You look so relaxed and happy in this photo – just what we prayed for you! Looking forward to seeing more photos. xx

  3. Just Julie says:

    Helen and Kay – thank you for checking in! I hope to share about it soon. Hope you are both well…. xxoo

  4. Larry says:

    Good photo Sis, looks like both of you had fun and you look a “little” younger, must be because of the peace up there closer to Him.

  5. Just Julie says:

    Ha! I’d better move to Evergreen if I look younger when I’m there, Lar. ๐Ÿ™‚ xxoo

  6. Carey says:

    Looking forward to more photos and stories of your many unexpected “adventures”!

  7. Kay says:

    Pretty ladies! I’m looking forward to the pictures.

  8. Just Julie says:

    Carey and Kay – thank you both for being interested. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Should we plan a larger women’s contingent for a long weekend someplace beautiful? I’m game…


  9. Shari C. says:

    So fun to see the great picture of you and Denel, Julie!!
    …and I’m so glad you had a really good time together in Colorado ๐Ÿ™‚ It’ll be fun to hear more about your time there and to see more photos!
    I really hope that you both can make it out to Washington sometime for your reunion destination…there are sooo many beautiful spots I could recommend and maybe one day while you were here, I could “crash your party”?!

  10. Just Julie says:

    Shari, Denel mentioned the possibility of heading to the Pacific Northwest…if we do visit there, seeing you would be my first priority! What a blessing it would be to spend some time with you after all these years, dear Shari… Xxoo

  11. Carey says:

    A larger women’s contingent for a long weekend? Oh yes! Sounds like a great plan. Count me in!

  12. Just Julie says:

    Let’s plan, Carey! Xxoo

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