Dazzling Autumn

September 24, 2012 | My Jottings

You know you’re doing too much when you forget that on the same day, someone is coming over to your house at 9:00 a.m. and you have an important meeting at 11:30 a.m. That’s what I did today — forgot both of those things. Thankfully these oversights aren’t going to wreck my life, but it sort of shocked me that I would forget two things in one day. I guess I need to be checking my calendar six times daily or something.

Tonight when I get up at 3:15 a.m. to go to the bathroom as I always seem to do, I just might creep down the hall to my office and check my calendar then too. Better that than forget two things tomorrow!

I have had two posts with lots of pictures in the works — one about my grandchildren and their first days of school, and the other about my recent trip to Colorado to spend time in a mountain cabin with my oldest friend Denel. But I’m still not done with those posts.

So instead I will put up some photos I took yesterday when Michael and I went on a beautiful Sunday drive.

The photo below was taken at our local Polish cemetery:

We love to drive through cemeteries…do you?


I never get tired of the fall colors we see year after year! I still oooh and aaah over them like each tree ablaze is the first one I’ve ever seen.

This picture below was taken on the way home. We drive down this street and turn left, right about where you see the car at the bottom of the hill.

We love living so close to Lake Superior.

How does the arrival of autumn change your everyday life, if it does?

A couple of ways it changes my life are: 1) there is chili simmering on the stove this very minute, 2) I wore a longer sleeved tunic today, and 3) the furnace went on this morning before we got up. It was 36 degrees on our deck.

Thank you for stopping by…I’m praying that you and I experience and respond to God’s love for each one of us this week,


  1. Ember says:

    Beautiful trees! I love the autumn xxx

  2. Just Julie says:


  3. Shari C. says:

    Pretty autumn colors in your pretty pictures, Julie! I’m making chili for tonight’s dinner here, too! The trees are just starting to change color in our neck of the woods, and I’m resisting the use of our fireplace as long as I can…so that means I’m wearing more clothes around the house – but I haven’t given up my flip-flops, yet πŸ™‚
    Love to you my friend!

  4. Just Julie says:

    Your sunflowers look gorgeous too, Shari. I am still in my Birkenstocks too — when it gets cold enough I’ll add SmartWool socks! Blessings dear friend….

  5. Dorothy Sooter says:

    Colors are beautiful, how I miss our trips to your beautiful state.
    You are very close to the lake, use to think when we lived in
    Morro Bay with the beautiful view of the Pacific that it healed
    my soul.

  6. Just Julie says:

    I completely agree with you, Dorothy. I think water and wind rustling through trees feel very healing, but there was something about the view in Morro Bay that was better than most. xxoo

  7. Kay in UK says:

    We eat a lot of home-made soup in the autumn. The smell wafting through our home is gorgeous.
    1. I like to sniff the early morning air in autumn. ( No candle can beat that, although I do like to use scented candles.) It’s that back-to-school smell – probably fear emanating from the teachers! πŸ™‚
    2. I keep a cozy blanket on the sofa for cuddling up into on cooler days/nights. And my little stack of books on my side of the sofa gets bigger and bigger.
    3. Every autumn I choose a rainy, grey day and I watch the 1994 version of ‘Little Women’ while sipping a cup of tea. And I cry every time at the ending.
    We’re looking forward to visiting our local woods which has accessible walks for Alan. I love it there because the squirrels are so friendly, almost brazen! I, too, love walking around old cemetaries because there’s a lot of very interesting social history to be found on the headstones. Also, (and this is not meant to be facetious) such places are very quiet and peaceful where wildlife can be spotted.

  8. Just Julie says:

    When you leave comments like this, Kay, it makes me anxious to read more of what you write. You know Little Women is one of my favorites too. God bless you today….

  9. Helen in Switzerland says:

    Gorgeous photos Julie – over here in Europe we never experience quite the glory of autumn that you in North America do – here there are no reds, lovely golds and yellows, but never the deep reds that you have.

  10. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Helen….growing up in Southern California, I never saw these colors. Moving to northern Minnesota was a feast for the eyes, and I’ve never grown tired of the beauty here.

    We could use an Alp or two, though.


  11. Larry says:

    Hello Sis: In the fall our property becomes a collector of all leaves that no longer hold on πŸ™ I have learned that it is important to time my cutting of the grass and triming around all things that are in our yard, to make sure that they are short enough to not catch any of the leaves that are blown about because of the autumn leaves. It is a great tiem saver to keep ahead of the yearly drop. then all just pass on by or over our 5 plus acres of grass (weeds that look like grass when kept mowed πŸ™‚ when that is done, both Christy and I sit back or in her case she lies out in the trees with three cats, and two dogs viewing the colors change with a book in her hands. We are blessed with a hill that adorns the many colors of His Creation putting on a show for us to enjoy after all the grass is take care of. If you can show us the trees and their colors around your new home?

  12. Just Julie says:

    I can imagine how beautiful it is there, Lar, in spite of your yard being a dead leaf magnet. πŸ™‚ I would love to pull up a hammock next to Christy so we could read in silence together. You would have to make us treats and bring them out to us on a tray, every hour or so. xxoo

  13. Patty says:

    Fall colors in upstate NY are just beginning to show themselves. This time of year means what my Mom would call ‘stick to your ribs food’, chicken and biscuits, beef stews and potato soup, pumpkin everything and hot chocolate!

    It also means raking all the leaves and jumping in them, (the Princess, not me) I could jump, but there would be real issues with the getting back up part. It also means that the squirrels are harvesting acorns from the oaks that overhang part of the house and the area where the camper sits. Decorating the front of the house with corn stalks, dried corn, mums, and of course pumpkins! It means my theater season starts and I will be seeing shows regularly. It means I will be knitting more and thinking about knitting less.

    I love this time of year; though I am not so fond of what comes after it…..

  14. Just Julie says:

    My mom used to employ that same phrase, Patty. “It sticks to your ribs!” Alas, her prophecy has come true — something is definitely sticking to my ribs as I age! I love the beautiful picture you’ve painted with your words here….I would love photos. πŸ˜‰

  15. Christy says:

    Patty said it. Plain and simple. Fall means everything pumpkin, plain and simple. Pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkinbread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin roll and pumpkin twinkies stuffed with pumpkin marshmellow cream. Pumpkin food, pumpkin decorations, pumpkin colors….and on and on. Anyone who knows me understands that I love pumpkin everything.

  16. Just Julie says:

    Well I guess I didn’t know you as well as I thought I did, then! I had no idea you and pumpkins were so intimately and happily acquainted! I’ll remember that! xxoo

  17. Carolyn says:

    Fall is the reward after enduring summer. September through December is my absolute favorite time of year!

  18. Just Julie says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more, dear dotter! Xxoo

  19. Ginny says:

    Years ago I found out that fall brings the Jewish New Year, unlike our winter celebration. I have adopted it as my start over time too! Because my “on” time with my job is the summer, I LOVE THE FALL! CBS starts, things simmer down and I can have tea with my friends and catch up!! Woohoo!

  20. Just Julie says:

    Xxoo. πŸ™‚

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