Edition 1 – Wednesday’s Word

April 22, 2009 | My Jottings

I received so many interesting ideas from readers (mostly by e-mail  – Tara was full of great suggestions) for this new weekly feature on the blog. Thank you for your ideas everyone! At first I was leaning toward calling the weekly feature “Wednesday’s Wisdom,” but then I thought better of automatically assuming that whatever I post on Wednesdays will be wise. Some of it might be wise – some of the sayings are centuries old and in my humble opinion have proven worthy and true. And some of the words I post will be merely warm fuzzy kinds of sayings, not necessarily weighty with wisdom. So scratch the word wisdom for the weekly feature.

I’ve settled on “Wednesday’s Word,” for the more serious or contemplative quotes, as you can see above. And then when I post a more lighthearted saying or quotation, I’m going to use Deb A.’s suggestion and call it “Wednesday Whimsy.” She said whimsy has always been one of her favorite words and I like it too.

I don’t think I’ll always bore you with introduction or commentary with each saying I put up because they stand on their own, but for today I’ve just decided to do what comes naturally and babble in print a bit before posting the first quote. 🙂

Oh, and if you have a favorite quote or saying of your own, please don’t hesitate to send it my way.

I have always loved C.S. Lewis, so it seemed right to give him the first slot. He would probably be turning over in his grave if he knew some of his writings had been reduced to occasional appearances on an inconsequential little blog, but oh well. I’m assuming that where he is right now will make up for any damage I’m doing.

So, this week I’ll be thinking on this:

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”

C.S. Lewis


  1. Ginny the computer challenged friend says:

    You know one of my favs… “This Ain’t The Party” and then the one I speak to myself when stressed about something…..”What Eternal Value Does This Have”
    That’s as deep as I get Babe…

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