To Protect and to Serve

May 28, 2014 | My Jottings

This is my kind of policeman.

Did this make you smile today?


  1. Kay in Cornwall says:

    Oh yes, that had me grinning from ear to ear! Needed that today, thanks Julie.

  2. Just Julie says:

    Glad you enjoyed it too Kay… Missing you… xoxo

  3. Jessica says:

    I drove a dog home in my backseat today so he wouldn’t get hit by a car.

  4. Jessica says:

    And by backseat I mean the backseat of my squad. In case that wasn’t clear. You know, in your post about the police. It was probably clear. I’m going now.

  5. Just Julie says:

    I’m not surprised by this at all, Jessica! You’re my kind of law enforcement officer too. xoxo

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