Podcasts, anyone?

April 4, 2018 | My Jottings

I’ve been wondering for a long time why podcasts are all the rage. I know so many people who love podcasts and listen to them in the car, when they go to bed at night, while they’re working or cooking dinner. I love to listen to music and enjoy an audio book now and then, but I haven’t been able to get into even one podcast. I thought I’d jump on my blog and ask if any of you like podcasts, and why?ย 

The ones I’ve tried are the highly rated ones: S-Town, This American Life, Invisibilia, and Stuff You Should Know. To be fair, I’ve only listened to one episode of each one and found them pretty uninteresting, and I was scratching my head in puzzlement. Do I need to just keep going to understand the appeal? I have experienced this with various television series before (for example, Doc Martin, which took quite a while to understand but now I wouldn’t miss it), so maybe someone needs to tell me to keep at it.

What are your favorite podcasts? Did you have to keep listening to be interested? Am I just old now, and completely and permanently disconnected from modern culture? I would love to read everyone’s opinions on this.

And I hope it’s warmer where you are than it is where I am.


  1. Ganeida says:

    I can’t help you. I don’t do podcasts either. I watch a fair bit of you tube ~ preaching & teaching mostly. You can get the best of the best that way.

  2. Nancy says:

    While I heard the term it never was on my radar so I had to google it. I can understand what the author of this link says about scanning while listening to the radio while driving. http://www.howtopodcasttutorial.com/what-is-a-podcast.htm

  3. Just Julie says:

    I like youtube too, Ganeida. And thank you for sending this link, Nancy. I look forward to checking it out in a few minutes. ๐Ÿ™‚ xoxo

  4. Kay says:

    Hello Julie!
    Like Ganeida I don’t listen to podcasts either. I’m another one who likes listening to Youtube.
    I’ve not commented on here for a long while because I’ve been using my Kindle exclusively regarding the internet.
    For some reason my Kindle won’t allow me to comment on your blog. ๐Ÿ™
    I hope all is well with you and your family. Alan had his 65th birthday yesterday which makes him eligible for the State Pension. (But he doesn’t seem any older to me!)
    Archie is still being a loving, cuddly, mischievous dog. Only last week he took a multi-pack of crisps out of the pantry. He managed to open the outer wrapping but only managed to open and devour one of the individual bags!
    Now that Chris and the boys have moved into their new home (after living with us for 10 months), I’ve got our home back into order. My office is now MY office and Alan has got HIS music room back. ๐Ÿ™‚
    It feels good to be back in touch.
    Sending love and hugs xxx

  5. Just Julie says:

    Kay, I was so tickled to see your comments. I have been thinking of you and Alan almost daily for a few weeks now. I’m thankful for your update, and hope to email you very soon. My love to you, Alan, and naughty and adorable little Archie. ๐Ÿ™‚ xoxo

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