Our Oasis

June 8, 2012 | My Jottings

I’ve got many things I’m turning around in my mind these days, things I’d like to write about, but there are other items on the to-do list that come first. Our foster care re-licensing is coming up next week and I need to finish preparing for that. My dear friend Su came over to help me with that this morning since she’s a foster care provider too; she looked lovingly at me and told me I looked shot, and I believed her and gratefully received her assistance.

We are 95% unpacked, which means there are only two or three more small boxes to unpack and then we’ll be completely finished. We’ve been in our new home for a week now and we love it. I thought I’d post a couple of (not the greatest quality) photos of Michael’s and my bedroom, which feels like an amazing oasis to us already.

A couple of days ago I was poking along at my Fifty-four Year-Old Woman Pace, trying to put things away in the best places in our bedroom and closet, when Sara came to the rescue. She worked fast and efficiently and by mid-afternoon our room was done. (You can click to enlarge these if you like.)

As with our old bedroom, we have a sitting area where we can have our morning devotions together, read, and take an occasional tea break. We have a view of Lake Superior from these windows, which I never get tired of.

The room is quiet and restful (and yes, embarrassingly huge), and Michael and I have our first king-sized bed in our 31-year marriage. I didn’t think it would make that big of a difference in our sleep, but it has. And Edith and Mildred seem to appreciate the extra room too. πŸ™‚

I will post more photos when I get a chance, and I thank you again for making time in your day to stop by.

(Note, added over a year later: we changed our bedroom around and it now looks like this…)


Have a very blessed and peaceful weekend,


  1. Dorothy Sooter says:

    Your oasis is beautiful. I cannot believe you are all unpacked.
    Julie, I am so very happy for you and Michael and how God did
    this in two months. You are such a special woman. You have
    touched so many lives with your wisdom, honesty and loving
    kindness. Love you and all of your family.

  2. Ganeida says:

    Very lovely. Will stop by to chat properly in a week or 2 when we go on break. ?

  3. Helen in Switzerland says:

    Ooooh! It really does look like an oasis Julie….so much space and just looking at it I can tell that it has a calm feel to it. Lovely! And I’m so glad that you’re almost done and will be able to relax and get back to normal life again!! Well Done!!!

  4. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Dorothy, Ganeida and Helen! It would be nice to have tea with you here someday. I can dream, right? πŸ™‚

  5. Larry says:

    Being 54 again, no thank you πŸ™‚ When we moved Savannah, they would not let me do any heavy lifting, felt silly and completely useless. I could just imagine what those young friends of Savannah’s were thinking, here is this big guy just standing around doing nothing. Anyway, I am thankful that you and Michael too had some help.

  6. Just Julie says:

    I’m sure they understood perfectly, Lar. xxoo

  7. Kay in UK says:

    What a lovely, lovely sitting area!
    Alan is unwell with a haemophiliac bleed in his left foot, so he is confined to bed at present. What he really enjoys is me reading out loud to him. Not only the bible, but also ‘cosy’ books. Yesterday I read a couple of short stories from James Herriot’s ‘Book of Cat Stories’ and we both enjoyed ourselves. But, oh to have a comfy chair in our bedroom like those in your pictures.
    I expect you and Michael would enjoy doing the same.
    (Oh and this previously 52 year-old woman has just turned into a 53 year-old old lady! I, too, need all the help I can get.)
    P.S. I almost wrote that there’s plenty of rolling room on that bedroom carpet, but I thought that might sound too tacky! πŸ˜‰
    Love to you and Michael. xxoo

  8. Just Julie says:

    Oh dear Kay…please tell Alan that Michael and I will be praying for him. He has a good wife to read to him, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the Herriot books to Michael and watched him belly laugh and wipe tears too. There is a LOT of rolling room on the carpet, yes! Four grandchildren came and rolled and dove into it today. God bless you two…..

  9. Shari C. says:

    Ohhh, Julie…what a wonderful space! It’s so wonderfully spacious that your king size bed looks small!! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad that God provided this gift of a place for you and Michael! I’ll think of you – enjoying your tea and devotions while looking out at the beautiful view…watching the scenery and colors change through the seasons πŸ™‚

  10. Just Julie says:

    It’s almost too much to take in, Shari. We feel so blessed. Thank you for your love and prayers….

  11. Ember says:

    I think your room looks lovely, and your furniture looks absolutely at home there – very peaceful and comfortable and kind of gracious.
    A question. If the beautiful view over Lake Superior can be seen from the window, I would have guessed the chairs would be near the window and turned so the people sitting there could see out, rather than one sitting sideways to the window and the other with his/her back to the window. Is the light too bright, or did you feel the groupings of furniture just work better this way?
    So glad you’ve had good help from your family in making this enormous move, and thank goodness the biggest part of the upheaval is now done.
    So. I have to ask – have you thrown out loads of extra stuff since you moved, or has it all tucked neatly away into the new home after all? xxx

  12. Just Julie says:

    Ember, thank you for your nice comments about our bedroom. Very good question about the way the chairs are positioned. I have extreme photo-sensitivity in my eyes and since I read in these chairs, I use the windows at my back to give light to the pages. We can easily turn the chairs to face the Lake too, and I can see us doing that now and then. Part of the decision was because from where you enter the room, to have the backs of the chairs facing you looked a little odd. Having the two chairs in an ell, sharing the ottoman, seemed more visually pleasing. Probably sounds strange. πŸ™‚
    And Ember, we got rid of so many items I am absolutely certain it was up to the December 31, 2012 part of my 365. Big things and small. A couch, two end tables, two mattresses, CDs, DVDs, a desk, duplicates of so many tools it was unbelievable. At least 7 pick-up truck loads, and then even more when we got settled in and I saw there could be room for more paring away. And now that we’re done, I’m seeing books I think I shall donate too. God bless your week, dear one….xxoo

  13. Linda says:

    So much accomplished in such a short time!
    Such a testimony of God’s favor poured out to his faithful son & daughter Michael & Julie…can just picture all the future tea times ,quiet times , love & fun times w/children & grands & doggies in that grand room! So happy for you

  14. Just Julie says:

    I don’t know how faithful we are, Linda, but I do know that He has been so kind and gracious to us, I can hardly take it all in sometimes. Thank you for picturing with me what I hope will be part of our bedroom oasis. Talk to you soon! xxoo

  15. Kay says:

    Ooohhh Julie,
    I’m so happy for you and Michael. All moved in….yay!! I can imagine you two (or four) watching the sun rise over the big lake from your king-sized bed, just perfect.
    I look forward to visiting your new digs. June 26.
    Love you!!

  16. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Kay! It feels so good and so right. I’m so happily anticipating the start of our study soon! See you then… LY2…

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