Falling from the sky

August 21, 2014 | My Jottings

Our youngest daughter Sara takes after her dad in many ways. She has a little bit (well, actually maybe a large chunk) of the impulsive adventure seeker in her, as he always has, and recently she checked something off of her bucket list by jumping out of a plane from 10,000 feet in the air. That’s almost two miles up.

Sara has a friend who works for a local skydiving company, and she called her up recently and said, “We’re going up this evening, want to come along?” So Sara gave me a long hug, told me she loved me, and dashed off to go up in a small plane and tandem jump. The only way you can skydive on your own is to take many hours of training. However, you can tandem jump with about an hour of training (yikes, don’t get me started), and she was paired with a young man who had done this many times.

Here are some photos from Sara’s first time falling from the sky. Yes, that would be the plane they were in.


I think this photo means she was liking it so far:


This shot shows the St. Louis River below them:


And this picture caused me to ponder, If her young skin looked like this, I wonder what mine would look like if I decided to jump?


In this photo below the parachute had opened and Sara said they floated down slower than she expected:


How about you? Have you ever gone skydiving? Would you? Why or why not?


  1. Ginny says:

    WOOHOO! She did it!!!!!
    Have I ever done it? Ah no! What harness would be big enough to connect me to the poor soul in charge!?!? I like to live vicariously through others! Consider I have now jumped out of an airplane (whaaaaaat?!) thanks to my LittleB’s experience! Speaking of flapping old skin, I fear my chins would be up over my eyes like a hood…perhaps permanently!!
    Well done LittleB!!

  2. ganeyda says:

    Nope. I am terrified of falling from heights. One of mine has done it. I think he’s insane.

  3. Just Julie says:

    We three will stay on the ground, Ginny and Ganeida! xoxo

  4. Nancy says:

    Yes I have thought about as have others. Pres Bush senior did it recently on his last birthday (I think he is about 90 and he has another disease I can’t recall). Also a woman with CP and blind people. It gives them a tremendous boost to their confidence.

  5. Just Julie says:

    We’ve talked about President Bush and his three jumps, Nancy. I think it’s inspiring, and really hope Michael can do this too — he wants to. We’ll see! Thank you for stopping in here and commenting. Hugs to you… xoxo

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