“Deck the porch…!”

December 12, 2009 | My Jottings

“Deck the porch with artichokes and oranges! Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la la!”

On Wednesday our daughter Sara hung the Christmas wreath she made for us outside on the front porch. She’s a floral designer at a local flower shop and I’m always so thrilled with her unique creations.

When I went outside for eleven seconds on Thursday morning to take this photo, it was four degrees below zero with a slight wind. Even though winter doesn’t officially arrive for several more days, most of the Midwest apparently did not get that memo. Our views are white, our furnace is roaring, our hands are lizard-like and our resolve is firm. We can endure this until spring. At least Michael keeps telling me we can.

Here’s our wreath:


It may not have any boughs of holly, but if you look closely you’ll see a few unusual items in there with all the traditional balsam and cedar. Fresh oranges, pomegranates and artichokes make it interesting to look at. I doubt that anyone will see those from the street as they drive by, though.

What Christmas decoration do you have up/out that you really like? Send me a photo and I’ll put it on the blog so we can all enjoy it together.



  1. Susan Denney says:

    This wreath is absolutely stunning! Sara is a very talented artist, pronounced… ar – teest (it costs more when pronounced in such a fashion)! You will enjoy her creation well into the new year!

  2. Savannah says:

    Oh my gosh.
    I love that wreath sooo much.
    That is absolutely beautiful and perfect.

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