Wednesday’s Word-Edition 53
January 12, 2011 | My Jottings
“In the name of Jesus Christ, who was never in a hurry, we pray, Oh God, that You will slow us down, for we know that we live too fast. With all of eternity before us, make us take time to live – time to get acquainted with You, time to enjoy Your blessings, and time to know each other.”
Peter Marshall
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Oh, my Lord! Somebody pick up that little turtle and carry her across the road!!!
Oooh, I want that book. Be still my covetous heart! One thing? To be able to enjoy things without wanting to own them! ? All my needs have been provided for; all the rest is window dressing & let’s face it. Absolutely everything here has to be left behind so no point getting overly attached to any of it. The best is yet to come & I want to be content to wait for it in the sure & certain knowledge that no eye has seen nor ear heard, nor mind concieved what the Lord has prepared for those that love him.
Wonderful wisdom, Ganeida. You should write a blog or two or three. 🙂 God bless you all…
Julie: my computer is a little sticky with the wet so I’ve actually posted in the wrong place ~ but you knew that, didn’t you? ? Sorrow.
Yes I did assume that Ganeida….you are in the running! 🙂