Freaky Forecast

April 10, 2013 | My Jottings

While many places in our country currently have scenes like this:


And folks on the East Coast are seeing apple trees that look like this:


This is the forecast that was just posted in our neck of the woods:


And we are nearing the middle of April!

Do you have flowers blooming where you are?


  1. Ganeida says:

    No. It is raining. And raining. And when it stops it storms. I am over the wet.

  2. Just Julie says:

    I don’t mind rain Ganeida, unless it goes on and on. Sounds like that’s what you’re getting. May the sun shine soon for you all! xxoo

  3. connie says:

    I dont want to rub it in but…….its spring in California! The star jasmine is blooming and filling the air with its sweet scent. The crepe myrtle trees are lacy and beautiful. My neighbors have tulips, daffodils and roses, oh so pretty. And the little bright yellow goldfinches are eating me out of house and home at the thistle sock feeders. We have flocks of wild parrots here and boy, are they loud! And there is a mama possum with 3 little babies in a nest of old leaves in the storm drain. She “plays possum” and looks dead with her little snaggleteeth sticking out when you look at them. The babies wiggle around, so cute. Flowers, birds, baby animals, and sunny temperatures in the upper 70 s. Spring…….happy sigh……

  4. Just Julie says:

    What a beautifully descriptive picture you’ve given us here, Connie! It made me smile and sigh — thank you! Especially the thought of wild parrots and baby possums. ๐Ÿ™‚ xxoo

  5. Kay in Cornwall says:

    The daffodils in our garden have bloomed and are dying back now. We’ve had primroses in bloom right through the winter -since last September. We also having a camelia just coming into bloom.
    The flowers in our garden seem a bit confused. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Just Julie says:

    I like the thought of confused flowers just blooming away in their confusion, Kay. That sounds like a life lesson. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thinking of you and Alan today. My cold has turned into a nasty thing and I’m in bed most of the time. Bleh. Seems appropriate for a blizzard. xxoo

  7. Larry says:

    We just received about four inches of rain and all the “Red Birds” from MN have flown south and they are here in south.

    Fruit trees have already budded out and have leaves except some of my later blooming cherries and standard plums.

  8. Just Julie says:

    I can’t wait to see a cardinal this season, Larry. Since we moved we don’t seem to have a pair in our neighborhood. I keep praying. ๐Ÿ™‚ xo

  9. Ember says:

    Our spring flowers are coming through, but in the teeth of gales and rain. This week, after a frrreeezing cold spring so far, we had some milder weather. In the north of England and Scotland they have snow forecast for the next few days. Today on England’s south coast it’s been like several different days all in one – wind, rain and sun, the combinations making radical difference. Hebe and I sowed meadow-seed this morning, into the wet ground in the sun, then went in as icy cold wind began to gust up over the hill. Later the Badger and I sat outside drinking tea in lovely warm sunshine at lunchtime, now it’s cold, grey and the sky full of ominous cloud.

  10. Just Julie says:

    I think your day sounds delightful, even with the change in weather. I had to look up meadow seed — maybe we can see some pictures when they bloom. Thank you for visiting here, Ember. xxoo

  11. Helen in Switzerland says:

    Nearly, but they are quite likely to be knocked sideways by another load of snow….I’m longing for spring, aren’t you?!

  12. Just Julie says:

    Ohhh, you’re getting more snow too Helen? Well I guess if there are two words that conjure up images of snow, they would be “Minnesota” and “Switzerland,” right? May it melt quickly and your spring really bloom. xxoo

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