Book Giveaway

February 20, 2016 | My Jottings

Hello friends. I read a fantastic book recently. It’s a hopeful and inspiring book, and addresses the problem of pain, suffering and God’s sovereignty in a very needed way. The book is called Through the Eyes of a Lion, and is written by a young Montana pastor named Levi Lusko. If you missed seeing the short interview with him I posted a while back, check it out here. It’s so worth watching, and was why I bought the book in the first place.


I bought a few extra copies of this book and have already given three as gifts. I’d love to give a copy away here on the blog too. All you have to do is leave a comment below with your name, and I’ll put your entry in the hat, so to speak. I’d especially like it if you’ve never left a comment before. Bloggers are curious about who stops by to read their humble words, you know? πŸ™‚

I’ll take names until Wednesday, February 24th, and announce the winner soon after.

God rest you all,


  1. Helen in Switzerland says:

    Hi Julie,
    I’d love to win the book – I found the video clip incredibly moving. Love and best wishes, Helen xx

  2. sue raimo says:

    I love your blog and look forward to every entry. I will read this book whether or not my name is drawn.

  3. Ganeida says:

    My timing is good ~ as always. Pop me in your hat. πŸ˜€

  4. Valerie says:

    Hi Julie. I follow you on Instagram and follow your blog too. I’m 53 years old, married for 34 years with 3 grown kids, 2 son-in-laws, 3 grandkids and one on the way. I was born and raised and still live in northeast Illinois. I’m curious about the book. I’ve got my name on a waiting list at our local library to check it out. Maybe I won’t have to wait on that list if I win your drawing. πŸ™‚

  5. Just Julie says:

    Helen, Sue and Ganeida — your names are in the hat! Thank you. And hi Valerie! I’m so glad you introduced yourself here. I follow you on IG too. πŸ™‚ We have much in common — pretty close in age, I was married for almost 34 years, have three grown kids and some grands too. I’m off to check out your blog now Valerie. Your name is in the hat, and thank you so much for saying hi! God bless you all.

    Giveaway is still open — just say hi in the comments and I’ll throw your name in the hat too.

    After I get a hat. πŸ™‚

  6. Kay says:

    Hello Julie.
    Please don’t put me in your draw – I’ve already won a prize on your blog. πŸ™‚
    I just wanted to let you know that a letter will soon be on its way to you. xx

  7. Just Julie says:

    I look forward to your letter Kay! And there are no rules about already receiving a book in a previous giveaway. Your name might have fallen into my hat. xoxo

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