Druthers 6

January 7, 2011 | My Jottings

If I had my druthers….

…this would be our cottage-on-a-loch…

…and we would have furniture, comforters, pillows and perhaps even wallpaper that looked like this…

…and this…

…and this, which is the tartan of my ancestors…

…or this, which is the plaid of my warm flannel nightgown…

…and you could come visit us and stay in our guestroom that looked like this…

…and when the hustle and bustle of our hectic loch life became too noisy and too much for us, we would steal away to our little vacation cottage here…

…and I guess I would have to learn to cook with one of these…

…and even though Michael would probably love it, I don’t think I’d ever be able to make this…

…but I think I could be talked into baking a lot of these…

…and I’m not sure what Edith and Mildred would think when we brought home one of these…

…but maybe they’d forgive us if we took them for daily walks in places like this…

…but that’s only if I had my druthers…

Goodness and Mercy

January 1, 2011 | My Jottings

(The collage will enlarge if you click on it)

…My cup overflows…Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever…

Psalm 23:5b-6

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Thank you Lord. Thank you. Thank you…