Edition 49-Wednesday’s Word

November 17, 2010 | My Jottings

“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.”

G. K. Chesterton

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  1. Jessica says:

    So true! I love this one!!!!!

  2. Ganeida says:

    Aren’t Chesterton quotes the best?! Love this one too. ;D

  3. Just Julie says:

    Yes – I now need to read the two books of his I have on my shelf. 😀 Blessings on you, Ganeida…

  4. Ganeida says:

    Oh, what are you reading of his? I loved his Father Brown stories even though [technically] he cheats. lol But his essays are good too.

  5. Just Julie says:

    I have Orthodoxy ready to begin, but something else always taps me on the shoulder, so it has been sitting there a while. I have listened to radio theater productions of his Father Brown books, but haven’t read them. How does he cheat? Intrigued!

  6. Ganeida says:

    lol Bear in mind I’m a crime fiction fan & Dorothy L. Sayers is my hero. What Chesterton does is not give the reader all the information his detective has. This is cheating according to Sayers ~ & me. I like to have a go at solving the crime but that’s impossible if essential information is withheld. ?

    Chesterton’s a poet too & I actually first knew him as that. His Before the gods that made the gods so intrigued me though it’s really just something of a history lesson in verse. Enjoy.

  7. Just Julie says:

    I have heard so much about Sayers and am one of the few who hasn’t read her. Now with your words I think it’s time, Ganeida. What book of hers would you recommend I start with? Thank you for visiting….

  8. Ganeida says:

    You haven’t read Sayers?! Oh, what a treat to enjoy her for the first time! She is best known for her Lord Peter Wimsey detective stories. Whose Body? is the first of these but The Nine Tailors is considered the classic detective story. It really is quite brilliant & not as waffly & sidetracked as some of her work. Murder must Advertise is perhaps my favourite. I don’t mind the odd red herring. Here will give you a synopsis of the plot & what the reader thought:

    She also did a translantion of Dante which is considered the best & most robust ~ though some intellectual snobs get a bit squiffy about her making Dante accesible to the hoi poli. She was something of a linguist [took languages at Oxford] & her essays on Christianity [often from a female viewpoint] are enlightening, sound & often very funny. Do let me know what you think ~ even if you don’t enjoy her. Not everyone does.

  9. Just Julie says:

    Thank you for such great information, Ganeida. You are really a literary fount for me. I’m convinced about Dorothy Sayers and will get something of hers very soon. Maybe I’ll check to see if Kindle has her titles to download! I’ll let you know what I think! Blessings….

  10. Ganeida says:

    You know, I do hope I haven’t mislead you. Sayers’ books are character driven rather than plot driven ~ my preference anyway, so if you like, say Agatha Christie’s crime books, you probably won’t like Sayers while I dislike Christie. I find everything of hers flat & cardboardy ~ rather like the James Bond books. Sayers is not like that & there are amusing diversions & witty commentary on society as asides. I actually don’t read her for her detective plots but for all the other fun stuff. She quotes a lot; great for who to read next! lol

  11. Just Julie says:

    Ganeida – I like both kinds of books – plot driven and character driven. The latter are my favorites, but I like all kinds. I have downloaded two of her books to my Kindle and look forward to beginning!

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